Monday, 21 January 2008

Bring and Buy

What do you think about a possible Ebay bring and buy. We must all have some Cds and books etc lying around that could be put up there - or is a table in the uni better? I could do with shifting some stuff... for a good cause. Is anyone else keen to put things up on ebay?

OR we could do our own version of Artgos, but I'm not too up on the website stuff....


Lorraine Yeung said...

I think this is can be a good idea - if we are Ebaying though - I think there needs to be a small group of people dedicated to invigilating the auctions as well as all the postage and packaging tasks involved.

websites - I have basic html, FTP and google indexing experience - but nothing like Java.....

Anonymous said...

I think this could be a really good idea too, I have a little website experience too as I mentioned yesterday but this is from years and years ago so I'm not sure how good I would be anymore!!!

Lorraine Yeung said...

okay - perhaps - maybe we get website experienced people together - we'll have a meeting with the marketers.

it will be fine

worse to worse I can knock something up

maybe Will can make us something.

Anonymous said...

personally i think the website you made on your mac is really good so maybe if we could get something up like that then just add things to it ourself, or get will/people we know to help us make it better??...